②95℃处理5 min显色后溶液若出现浑浊,建议10000 g常温离心10 min,取上清检测吸光值;
[1] Zhi J, Liu X, Xu Y, et al. Metal ion-mediated modulation of morphology, physicochemical properties, and digestibility of type 3 resistant starch microparticle[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2023, 316: 121027.(IF 11.2)
[2]Zhu X, Ma S, Huang S, et al. Directed self-assembly of mesoporous starch-based microparticle: Characterization, antimicrobial activities, and digestibility[J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2024: 110271. (IF 11.0)
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[4] Huang S, Zhu X, Ma S, et al. Tween 80-mediated size-controlled self-assembly of resistant starch particle: A green and biodegradable white pigment for food applications[J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2024, 153: 109993. (IF 10.7)
[5] Luo K, Kim Y R. Modulation of the self-assembly kinetics and digestibility of type 3 resistant starch particles by co-crystallization with amino acid[J]. Food Chemistry, 2023, 419: 136008.(IF 8.8)
[6] Zhu H, Chen Z, Zhang K, et al. The key role of sugar metabolism in the dormancy release and bud development of Lilium brownii var. viridulum Baker bulbs[J]. Scientia Horticulturae, 2024, 336: 113453. (IF 3.9)
[7] Huang L, Han Y, Zhong K, et al. Exploring the fungal communities and their correlation with the physicochemical properties of Zaopocu, a distinctive fermented food on Hainan island[J]. Biologia, 2023: 1-18.(IF 1.5)